Monday, April 23, 2007

The Week of April 23rd

1. Which character in the story do you most identify with so far and why? Which character would you like to be more like?

2. The Watson parents are somewhat different from most parents in the way that they operate their household. The father is more laid back and fun, and the mother is the disciplinarianian. Is this the case in your house? Describe how your parents behave.


Anonymous said...

1. Truly I really think that I am more like Kenneth because there is something wrong with my eye but it isnt lazy. I know how he feels when people constantly ask you what is wrong with it. I'm pretty sad to say that I am pretty gullible like him and pretty much the smallest and shortest in the family. I would really like to be more like Byron, only in the fact that he plays it "Daddy Cool" and doesnt chicken out (only that once so far).

2. I would have to say that whenever I think of my mom, I think of fun times and it is the same with my dad but he is the one that is both. My dad is really fun to be with just like my mom but is a disciplinarian.

Anonymous said...

Hiya y’all (that’s how they say it in the book),
A.) I identify the most of Kenny because well he is basically the main character and he has had some pretty tough situations and some pretty hard challenges. Like what was up with that when he read to the like 5th grade class or whatever. How embarrassing would that be? Cause what is you messed up and they started laughing. If I had a older sibling and I messed up in front of him and his friends and I embarrassed him then I am sure that he would never let me forget it. I would like to be more like Kenny because he handles his problems so well and he doesn’t go crying to his mother if he gets teased, bullied, or stolen from.
B.) Well, you see my parents are very different than most parents. My dad is some what very odd and different and strange. I am sure that the people at the dance would know that because when he was picking me up from the dance Friday, we started to dance in the headlights of the car at the middle of the STOP sign. My dad is so funny and lay back well most times unless his back starts to hurt. My mom is very funny at times and sometimes she is the actual parents acting one. She is very funny and the both love to have fun with us on trips and at dinner and events and especially with their friends their wild. But I wouldn’t want to replace my parents for any others one for anything in the world.

Anonymous said...

1.I think im like Bryon I always pick on my sister. She is so gullible. I think she hates me.

2.My family is just the other way around. My dad is the discipline one and my momis the fun and laid back.

Anonymous said...

1. I think that i am more like kenneth because i am usually tortured by my brother all the time and we usually get into fights. I would want to be even more like kenneth because he seems like a nice guy.

2. Usually my mom and dad end up yelling at each other because my dad is so worried about paying the bills. My dad usually doesn't discipline, but my mom kind of tells him to discipline whoenver before he ends up giving up about my brother. (it's usually him with stupid things like just going down to the neighbors house to fix his quad and my dad ended up yelling at him alot.)

Anonymous said...

1 I think im like byron because i always pick on people.

2My dad i the more disiplinme one in my house.My mom is the fun one.

Anonymous said...

I think that I am truly like Kenneth becauseb he has an older brother that he usually hates and so do I. I think that Kenneth is nice to all peple except when he laughed at Rufus. I probably would want to be more like Rufus because he is nice to everyone and looks to the inside of everyone. I think that his classmates should be more nice to him because he is really trying to make friends. i think that kenneth is really nice to him because they know that they are true friends.
My parents are usually nice to me except for when I do something pretty bad. My dad usually stays out of things when my mom is handling everything fine. When things start to get out of hand then my dad comes. When I hear my dad's footsteps I know that something bad is going to happen.

Anonymous said...

A. I think I am like Kenny becasuse at my old school I used to get picked on a lot and a lot of the 8th graders used to get my stuff back that was stolen like when kenny gets his gloves stolen and his older brother gets them back.I would like to be Bryon so I could fight my own battles.

B. My Dad is the leader in my house he is the one that usually is more about getting me to be more discipline.My Mom tries to be like him but she is the one that wants to have fun all the time.

Anonymous said...

I think I identify most with the mom because, I give people chances, and if they don't listen, I get mad at them. I think that the mother is more laid back in my family because, whenever my brother does something my mom tells him not to do, she calls for my dad. Of course, I nevr need to be disciplined because i'm already perfect! ********************************

Anonymous said...

My dad is fun but has to work a lot. My mom is fun and has discipline too. Their behaivor is okay with me , thats how my family is!

Anonymous said...

1. I don't know who I'm most like. I don' think I'm like Kenny because I don't get picked on. I mean yeah my brother teases me all of the time but aren't all brothers like that? I'm also not like Rufus. I might kind of be like the mom but I don't think I get that mad at people. Well, I take that back. I might get that mad at people but I don't express it like that. I think I might want to be like Byron even though he picks on people a lot. I wouldn't want to be that part of him but I would want to be able to be that brave and to stick up for others and myself.

2. Well, my dad is hilarious and he's so much fun. But let me tell you, he can be mean, too. My mom is fun but lays down the law more than my dad. I think it might because I listen to my dad more than my mom. I don't know. When I look at it, I think my mom and dad are equal in that discipline thing.

Anonymous said...

1.I am probaly like Joetta Because I am really sensitive and can be made to cry very easily.
2. I think both of my parents are equally disciplinarian. But they are Both fun to be around and laid-back.

Mrs. B said...

It seems like we have a lot of kids who say they get picked on, or have in the past, and quite a few that say they pick on others. What does it feel like to be picked on? What makes you decide to pick on someone else?

Anonymous said...

Hello my lovely fifth and sixth! I really enjoy this book, but I'm not sure I'd normally read it if it wasn't for school. Any way it was my first choice so I'm happy because I know some people didn't get what they wanted.
Now I'm being truthful because I trust that I wont loose any conduct points. Don't get me wrong I'm not a delinquent, but I think I am sort of like Byron and Kenneth that have been mutated and alterd into a totally different species of thing! Byron is like a bully taking advantage of his younger brother Kenneth. Robert is annoying and it's hard to make him do things other than to trick him like Byron and Buphead. I don't get Buphead at all. Well Kenneth get's bullied by his older person, likewise. Caroline is the ultimate tourmentor and she is so STRONG. I didn't realize it until I decided it was time to stop relying on my parents to stop tackling me so I fought back. That was a huge mistake. I hit her weakly and then she just got more mad and it gave her a "reason" to fight back. Although fighting me was like fighting a pillow except this one wimpered. This was a bit ago I am stronger now, she'll still kill me. She is oober violent, and is always pushing me down just cause she can and is older! argh! I am the middle child so the younger one looks up to the older one and the older one pounds you so the younger one tries to. Then you make the younger one stop so the older one now stands up for the younger one because they can't stand up for themselves. Except who stands up for the one who is being stood up! Oh well any who... I think it be nice to be Joey everyone thinks your cute and everyone doesn't forget you! Yeah. That is what I'd like. Parents stand up for you along with everyone what a life! Some parents just don't understand.
My parents are strict and don't take the younger side now that he is a devil child that illminded parasite! He can still get out of stuff by saying cute stuff! Not me anymore. My dad is more laid back than my mom his whole side of the family are trouble making fools. And they're always joking. For example my dad the other day my dad saw on this box that if you bought two more you'd win this cheapo prize that you could by half prise at a dollar store. Then he got Robert into the scam and my mom was not happy AT ALL. I think my dad was more interested in it than Robert. My momma is strict while my daddy is bad to the bone.
Well my darlings I have to make my departure, I know it pains you, but I can't just sit here all day the rain is pouring the birds are hiding. GOOD BYE!

Anonymous said...

HI Everybody

A) I am most like Kenny because it is usually my brother that picks on me, so I'm most like kenny. I'd like to be more like Byron becauseit is not good to be on the side where you get picked on. It is not good to pick on people though.

B) My parents have their share of being a disciplinarian and being laid-back.

Anonymous said...

Hello people who are reading the book "The Watsons Go To Brurmingham," which is preety funny.

1. I think im most like Kenney because I like to read and I am the middle one in my family. I also like to make jokes about my brothers since they also anoy me and everything. Plus my brother can do a preety good death stare at me....... trust me.

2. It actually is the case in my house cause my mom usually does the punishing and all the screaming in the house..... dont tell my mom. My dad is also preety laid back because my mom tells us not to do something, and my dad does it either way. Although sometimes its the other way around.

well..... thats all folks!

Anonymous said...

Hello people,

1.I think the charachter that im most like is Kenney because I think I am kind of smart and sometimes i get called names at school.

2.I think my dad is sort of like that, he is the funny parent, but he does a lot of work.
My mom is not that strict but she does alot of cleaning and stuff.

Anonymous said...

1.I think I am like Kenneth because I was Bullied once. I am fine with being like Kenneth he seems Like a nice kid.
2. My parents are a little bit of each. They can be differnt at differnt times.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm like Kenneth because I am very picky about people and things. I would like to be the dad because I think he is fun to be with.
My family is exactly like this my mom is harsh and my dad is nicer than my mom.

Anonymous said...

Hey people I have liked the book so far, but there are some parts that are a little boring (not many though).

1- Ok I really don't think I am really like any of them, but if I had to identify with one, it would probably be with Rufus. I think that because, well first of all he is from Arkansas (I have lot's of relatives there). But, I don't think that has to do with much. So, I think that I am like him because he seems to take pleasure in the simple things in life. I am like that because I get all excited when my dog starts eating. (I know it's really strange but I still do it).

2- Ok, well my parents are all fun and games and really laid back. But, that is just until I do something bad and then they blow a gasket. Yet, there punishment isn't like "lets burn his fingers," it's more like "lets take away his Ipod for a day." I really like my parents and I think they are the best parents for me!

Bye, Ya'll :)

Anonymous said...

1) I think I am probably like Kenneth because my brother always picks on me.And i would probably want to be more like Byron

2)My dad is the fun one and my mom is more the disilpine parent like the Wattsons.

Anonymous said...

Hello! 1.) I think I am the most like Byron because sometimes I like to pick on my sister. He is meaner then I am. But I am not obcessed with my self like he is because he was so obsessed with himself that he got his lips stuck on a car mirror kissing himself. I like Kenneth a lot more better because he is very smart. 2.) No they don't operate the household like that. My dad is funny and is sometimes annoying. My mom is fun and nice.

Anonymous said...

Hello! 1.) I think I am the most like Byron because sometimes I like to pick on my sister. He is meaner then I am. But I am not obcessed with my self like he is because he was so obsessed with himself that he got his lips stuck on a car mirror kissing himself. I like Kenneth a lot more better because he is very smart. 2.) No they don't operate the household like that. My dad is funny and is sometimes annoying. My mom is fun and nice.

Anonymous said...

Yo from the hood! Well, not really.


Okey Dokey, I really like Joetta (Joey) becuase she is a good little person with a big heart. She always wants her mother to be nice to Byron even though he is a dumb camel. She is very, very nice and is also humorous at the same time. I feel sorry for her. Big time.


My family................... Um well they are interesting. My dad is funny and so is my mom. My mom has her good and bad days. If she is having a good day, she doesnt get mad until my dog does something extremly stupid. My dad pretty much lives at work even though he doesn't have too. WHen he is home he is awesome and really funny. My family is very awesome. My mom and dad are both loud and talkative, Like me, and you know where my mom is becuase noone else in the world has her same laugh and her faciel expressions. Like when she laughs her nose scrunches up and teeth stick out. My dad also tries to dance. He is almost likes M.A.P's dad. He would get out of the car and dance if he really felt the need to.

That is my darlings.
Your's Truly,